Trago-vos desta vez um cenário que faz muita falta para nossos amigos e vizinhos espanhóis, que é o mega aeroporto de Barajas, quem ja passou por la sabe o quanto aquilo é grande e o tanto de taxisways que possui.
Features: - High definition day and night textures
- New Terminal 4 (T4) incl. both in the year 2006 opened runways 15L/33R & 18L/36R
- Fully AI compatible
- Docking Systems
- High definition aerial image of the ground texture
- Photo realistic textures on buildings, vehicles, etc.
- Hundreds of taxi- and runway signs
- Numerous static and dynamic objects such as service vehicles, buses, etc.
- Fully AES (Version 1.91) compatible (FS2004 version only)
- FSX and FS2004 version included
- Complete Manual and Charts
System requirements for FSX: - Microsoft Flight Simulator X (SP2/Acceleration Pack)
- Windows XP(SP2), Windows Vista
- Pentium 3 GHz (Duo2Core Intel strongly advised)
- 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
- 256 MB graphic card (512 MB recommended)
- Installations-Size: 180 MB
System requirements for FS2004: - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (Version 9.1)
- Pentium 2.8 GHz
- 512 MB RAM
- Graphic card with at least 128 MB
- Sound card
- Installation-Size: 140 MB
Tamanho: 75Mb Servidor: Torrent
Espero que gostemBons voos a todosEspero que gostemBy.DuffATENÇÃO: se fores voar para este aeroporto tenha sempre a carta de solo a mão e muita atençao no taxi :P
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